june to octobrer

A3TS : 38th congress of heat treatment and surface engineering, June 16th to 18th, Metz

Conference Ascometal, thursday June 17th : "Microalloyed steels for forged components" T. Sourmail, G. Baudry, C. Maillard Salin

Visit at the industrial mill, Ascometal Hagondange, friday June 18th: Elaboration and heat treatments of special steels for automotive and mechanical applications

AWT, Wiesbaden (Germany), from October 13th to 15th : stand Ascometal

ASCOMETAL will take part to the API ( American Petroleum Institute) June session in the USA:

ASCOMETAL participated to the last recent NACE (North American Corrosion Engineers) congress, where subjects close to ASCOMETAL propriatery R&D studies, such as usage of high strength steels in H2S environment, have been discussed. ASCOMETAL will now attend the next API meeting which will be held from 11th to 15th of June 2012 in Westminster, Colorado, USA.

ASCOMETAL team will be delighted to meet you there.
