Period of closure during the end of year holidays
Our industrial tools will be partially closed during week 51, and totally during week 52.
We will be happy to meet you again on January 3rd, 2022, to start this new year with you, and to take up all the challenges that will be presented to us.
Merry Christmas and very happy holidays.
Quality certificates
Our quality certificates are available, you can download them
Ascoflex® 20.6 the new flexible and cost effective solution for gears
Season’s greetings from Ascometal team
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A new name for our Group: Swiss Steel Group
Our Group will operate under the new name of Swiss Steel Group. Together we are designing even better steel solutions with highest quality and profound passion. Steel is our backbone, our DNA. Thus, it is our best contribution to a sustainable future. We are teaming up with each other, with customers and suppliers to achieve just that. Together, we develop and produce innovative solutions by making use of our expertise as an experienced ally.
“The new name Swiss Steel Group embodies the vision and values of the Group. After this turbulent year it was time for a change in many aspects and it is the time to use the momentum to change name”, reports Chairman Jens Alder.
The change of name to Swiss Steel Holding AG was accepted by the shareholders with a 97.92 % of the votes represented. Affected by the rebranding are those Business Units that had SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH in their name. Other Business Units, including Ascometal, do not undergo any changes as regards their name, however, in future they will each be called a “Member of Swiss Steel Group” and own a new logo.
We are looking forward to our journey with you. Together. For a future that matters.
A new Electric Arc Furnace for the steel shop of Hagondange mill
During the 2019 summer break, Ascometal successfully modernized the EAF of its Hagondange plant.
The steel shop is well known for its vertical bloom caster, which has been an acknowledged competitive advantage for years in the automotive segment.
The new EAF and smokes capitation system will improve reliability and productivity of the furnace, reduce energy consumption and reduce CO2 and dust emissions
The furnace itself is now slightly narrower but higher and new injection devices for oxygen and carbon are added in order to better mix the influx and optimize thermodynamics. Last but not least, the user-friendly interface has been improved, allowing and easier and more precise monitoring of the EAF.
Pierre Frentzel – CEO of Ascometal – declares: “this is a great and decisive move for our Hagondange mill. We now have a new EAF with better design and best technologies available. This clearly puts us in the best conditions to service the demanding automotive related sectors”.
Customers who visited the new equipment were positively impressed by the new set-up.
For inquiries:
ASCOMETAL® receives award for Best Customer-Supplier relationship
ASCOMETAL® a entrepris des actions multiples destinées à renforcer la qualité de ses échanges avec ses clients. More...
Toyota Motor Europe bestows a 2014 Certificate Of Recognition to ASCOMETAL®
Le 1er Avril 2015, Toyota Motor Europe (TME) a acté du haut niveau de Qualité chez ASCOMETAL®, en lui attribuant un Certificate Of Recognition pour la performance constatée en 2014. Le Certificate Of Recognition de TME : une distinction que chaque fournisseur industriel recherche activement, quand si peu parviennent à l’obtenir.
CWD 2013 (Center for Wind Power Drives), Aachen (Germany), 19th- 20th of March 2013
Conference Ascometal at " the Conference for Wind Power Drives"
Heat treatment congress in Wiesbaden (Germany), from 10th to 12th October 2012
Heat treatment congress in Wiesbaden (Germany), from 10th to 12th October 2012
Stand Ascometal, Hall 1 Stand 128
ASCOMETAL will take part to the API ( American Petroleum Institute) june session in the USA
may to november
May : forum windmill in Dunkerque Conference and stand Ascometal
October : AWT in Wiessbaden (Germany) Stand Ascometal
October : Symposia Oil and Gas in Houston (USA), organised by Ascometal
November : participation Ascometal in the conference ASTM
june to octobrer
A3TS : 38th congress of heat treatment and surface engineering, June 16th to 18th, Metz
Conference Ascometal, thursday June 17th : "Microalloyed steels for forged components" T. Sourmail, G. Baudry, C. Maillard Salin
Visit at the industrial mill, Ascometal Hagondange, friday June 18th: Elaboration and heat treatments of special steels for automotive and mechanical applications